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SitePath Consulting Ltd. 

1903 - 838 W Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC  V6C 0A6

Phone: 778-870-1388  



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SitePath Consulting provides integrated real estate and government relations services with the aim to improve project timelines and stakeholder relations. We provide a full-service solution, from Site Acquisition and Government Relations to Project Management.

Integrated Land Management

SitePath Consulting provides integrated site acquisition, land use and government relations services with the aim to improve project timelines and stakeholder relations. We provide a full-service solution, from site acquisition and government relations to project management.


Site Acquisition: Negotiations +


Consultation: Public + Land Use Authority


Project Approvals

services we offer

Site Acquisition

We secure sites on budget and on time to help our clients exceed their targets. We are experienced negotiators.

Public & LUA Consultation

We proactively consult the public and government land use authorities to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are engaged before a specific proposal moves forward.


LUA Approvals

Our approval success rate is unparalleled because we only seek approvals upon completing detailed pre-consultation processes. We are consistently successful even in the most challenging locations.

Government & Public Relations

Establishing and leveraging relationships with government agencies and members of the public is a key driver of our success.

Strategy & Negotiations

SitePath is regularly engaged to provide strategic planning advice on complex, large-scale projects. Our broad experiences and strategic approach to negotiations delivers results.


Project and Program Management

We provide best in class project and program management services to our clients for every project.


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